“I've just returned to the UK from Kabeção's 5-day handpan residence in Obidos, Portugal ... and wow! Being very new to playing the handpan I've got an awful lot to learn, but these days have given me an amazing grounding to work from, a fantastic range of grooves and techniques to take away and practice guided by a truly gifted teacher; I couldn't possibly ask for more. But, more than that, Kabe's warmth and generosity of spirit have made this residence a very special experience that I will carry with me into the future. Thank you Kabecao, looking forward to seeing you again soon.”
— Alan David Elworthy May 19, 2017 ·
“I joined Kabe's handpan residence and what happened in these 5 days in Obidos was pure magic.
Thank you so much Kabe for being the most inspiring music teacher I ever met. But most of all, I want to thank you for opening space as we shared. You brought together a family and made us laugh and cry with your beautiful music and your warm soul.”
— Lea Valentina Limbrunner June 1, 2018 ·
“Kabeção is an amazing soul and musician. I really suggest to everyone who is interested in Music to meet him and take part in one of his workshops. His true passion for music, handpans and teaching is always an inspiration and I'm so thankful for every single thing shared and so happy to have met you! Be always like you are my friend.”
— Dorian Rush November 16, 2016
“Thank you Kabe for the most special 5 days of music, teaching, listening, connecting, sharing, and chilling at your residency. Your teachings go way beyond grooves, technique, and rhythms, I learned so much about my instrument, how to explore it, listen to it, make music, and push my boundaries further and further. Much love bro.”
— Markéta Drozdková May 23, 2018 ·
“Kabeção's music belongs to one of the most touching sounds and atmospheres that I've listened to in the past few years.
Being an insanely innovative and history-making musician on handpans he influenced the playing techniques and their versatilities all over the world.
Having him as a teacher can make you feel incredibly blessed and will help you improve in whatever you want. As a very inspired student of his, I am here talking about grooves, playing styles, touch and approach on the instrument, feeling, composition or even odd rhythms.
On a so personal way Kabe can cause eager and ambition to make progress in music and he does that with so much joy himself that it'll definitely worth it to be taught by him at least for once.
Whenever I saw Kabeção performing live, be it in a duo quite a few times or on his own even more times, I was deeply touched by the energy he was transmitting to his audience. These have been the moments when you just want to hug this man after the concert and tell him how thankful you are to him for sharing so much soul and feeling with you.
I definitely recommend visiting concerts and also workshops and on top of it all just to have a chat with him and be either in a very profound discussion or in an absolutely funny and jokey fool scene.”
— Andrin Haag May 31, 2017 ·
“I am so happy I joined Kebeçao's residence in Obidos. The whole experience was just amazing, something I feel to strongly recommend to anybody!
I have so many beautiful memories from our time there: the pretty house and its living room, the garden (a little corner of paradise), the countless spontaneous jams (from early morning till late at night), the food, the jokes, the laughters, the people. Everything was amazing. Sharing the same space with the other participants gave us a special possibility for interpersonal connection and a feeling of community.
Having the chance to be next to a Handpan master as Kabe is, receiving his teachings, seeing his way of practicing, and approaching the instrument gave me so many possibilities to grow. I now look at my instrument in a different way, literally.
Thank you Kabe for your outstanding teaching and the atmosphere you created, Rodrik for the hospitality, and everybody for the love and openness. I feel blessed.”
— Edoardo Striani May 20, 2017 ·
Kabeção is a crazy guy, super honest, and the most amazing musician I know. I just returned from his residence in Obidos, Portugal and I feel super blessed. Thank you Kabe for the friendship, teachings, and inspiration.
— JD Villamizar May 24, 2017